
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pizza and the week ahead

When pizza was mentioned as a potential dinner option I was presented with an interesting topping idea by hubby who shall from now on be referred to as "the man". He suggested that my gnocchi pasta sauce would taste nice on a pizza and I thought to myself it could work actually and decided to give it a shot. There was a bit of confusion between me and the man as he didn't just mean the sauce as the topping but some gnocchi as well. There just wasn't enough time to pull this off in a timely manner but it might get a guernsey one day.

The first pizza had a layer of tomato pizza sauce with garlic and herbs, red onion, mushrooms, red capsicum, chorizo, cheezly and a drizzle of Veganomicon BBQ sauce and the second pizza had a batch of my creamy pesto pasta sauce and some cheezly. Both pizza were very tasty however my favourite tonight was the creamy pesto pasta sauce pizza. The bases tonight weren't the best I have made so I won't bother posting the recipe used. 

In other news, I have decided to set myself a little challenge for this week in an attempt to keep my blogging momentum going and in doing so will be paying homage to some of the Planet VeGMeL bloggers who have inspired me over the last couple of years. My simple rules for the week are that I will make something from a Planet VeGMeL blog every day that I haven't cooked before. I figure that this won't be a terribly time consuming task from a blogging point of view as I won't need to write up the recipes. Tomorrow will mark the first day of Planet VeGMeL week, I'm still wondering who should be first on my hit list??? Stay tuned...


  1. I love this idea! I'm so bad at cooking from other peoples' blogs, even though I always bookmark stuff.

  2. Thanks Steph!!! I seem to alternate between cooking from other peoples blogs, cookbook recipes and my own concoctions. I never get through the backlog of things I want to try though, in fact it just seems to keep growing...
