
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Planet VeGMeL week (Part 7) - In the Mood for Noodles Lemon Tofu "Chicken"

When I came up with the idea of Planet VeGMeL week, Lemon Tofu "Chicken" from In the Mood for Noodles became an immediate inclusion as I had been longing to try it for ages. I wanted to end the week with a bang which is why it was saved for last.

Deep-frying and shallow frying is something I don't partake in often. I'm sure my boys wouldn't mind if I did more of it, however I try to make healthy meals more often than not. My past experience with frying tofu hasn't been ideal with bits of oil spluttering over me but after tonight I'm putting that down to not using a wok (as I never had room in my previous kitchen for one) and not pressing enough moisture out of the tofu.

As the tofu needed to be cooked in batches plus I wanted to stir-fry some greens to have with it, I decided to cook the tofu first and leave it in a warm oven. My fear was that the tofu might lose it crispiness however the greens only took a few minutes to complete and the tofu came out with pretty much the same delicious crunchiness.

The tofu tasted fantastic with the lemony sauce over the top, after I finished the plate of food in the photo I stuffed myself full of more until I was ready to burst as it was soooo good. The greens are pak choy with crispy shallots and toasted sesame seeds from Veganomicon which were previously posted here.

Now that I have completed Planet VeGMeL week and cooked some fantastic meals from the featured blogs, I'll post a quick summary tomorrow to round it up!


  1. This lemon tofu is so good! I've been lucky enough to have Moody Noodle Toby cook it for me himself. Those greens look like an excellent side, I must try them sometime.

  2. Hi Cindy, I bet it was even more delicious coming from Toby. The greens are really tasty, I love the flavour of the fried shallots and also the crunchy texture that the shallots and sesame seeds add.

  3. I only just saw this. Glad you liked it!

  4. Thanks K, it was enjoyed immensely by all! Will have to make it again soon...
