
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Recipe error or am I becoming a chilli wuss?

Surely it couldn't be the latter!!! Spicy foods full of chilli have always whetted my appetite although I have been toning it down a bit recently for the sake of others...

I had no intention of writing up a post when I set out to make this Red Lentil Thai Chilli soup from Isa's blog. The recipe stated that it made quite a large volume so I decided to make a half batch as a trial. As I was working out quantities the chilli powder seemed like it was way too much so I decided to halve it and use 2 teaspoons instead of 1 tablespoon. After an initial taste test the soup was still extremely spicy, it was edible for me but I wasn't confident about how it would fare with the others.

What do you think based on the original full recipe? Would you add 2 tablespoons of chilli powder to a soup that only contains 1 litre of stock, 800g of tinned tomatoes and 400ml of coconut milk? Not to mention there are already 2 tablespoons of Thai red curry paste as an additional spicy ingredient. My theory is that tablespoons may have been a typo for teaspoons, although after reading through the comments no-one else seemed to have an issue. Perhaps the chilli powder I purchased from a local Indian spice shop has a lot more heat than the powders available in the US...

The Melbourne weather being so interchangeable has been a fantastic excuse to start the soup season early this year. It's great to have a pot of soup ready for lunch days when there are no left-overs around. I must try this soup again with less chilli (will try 1 teaspoon for a half batch) as the other ingredients (especially a squeeze of lime juice at the end) make it an extremely flavoursome hearty meal.


  1. I often have that problem with US recipes - I made burritos when I was young and first became vego. The recipe called for 2 tablespoons of chilli powder which I added - it was HOT!!!

    I assume they have some kind of red pepper powder there which is way milder?

  2. I agree with Penny, and would also add that there is also a bit of variation between chilli powders here anyway. I seem to have a pretty potent one too, I wouldn't use any more than a teaspoon of it in a 'serves 4-6' sized pot! And yet I have also seen plenty of American recipes using a tablespoon or two.

  3. Thanks Penny and Cindy, thought that might be the case but it's good to have it confirmed. I should have used more of my cooking common sense when I made this and started off with a smaller amount of chilli powder. You can always add more if necessary but you can't take it out ;)

  4. Well I am a chilli wuss but these comments about US recipes now makes sense - I find Isa's recipes have heaps of chilli powder. Though we had curry chickpeas on the weekend that were so hot neither I nor E (who loves chilli) could eat them

  5. Chili powder is different in the US! It's almost like taco seasoning mix - NOT just crushed red pepper flakes like it is here. It's even spelled differently I believe. They use it over there to make chili... you know that stew/soup with beef, beans, tomato, veggies etc.

  6. Hahaha, it's so funny how many of us this has happened to, and how we're all slowly having our lightbulb moments!

  7. Mattheworbit, it's a good learning experience for us Aussies, as long as we don't continue to make the same mistake! I must try this soup again one day as it was pretty good, just a tad too spicy.
