
Friday, October 14, 2011

Vegan MoFo - Alphabet break to share some MoFo love

Vegan MoFo 2011 has been a fantastic experience so far. This time last year I didn't even have a blog and thought that trying to keep up with reading and bookmarking so many fantastic recipes was an exhausting task! In addition to reading, bookmarking and commenting on other blogs, I am trying to post daily and comment back to readers on my own posts! The latter is something I usually do but haven't been as timely with this month.

As mentioned in my last post, I have posted about golden oldies and newbies from A - M (listed here) which brings me half-way through the alphabet. So it's time for a quick break to share a few of the MoFo posts that have been inspiring me so far.

Simple staples

The Vegan Ronin posted homemade spicy mustard followed up by homemade spicy ketchup the next day. Both of these sound delicious, I have never thought to make my own mustard before but it doesn't sound too difficult and I'm sure it would be a lot tastier.

Dawn from Vegan Fazool posted about chard chips which was exciting to see. There have been countless posts about kale chips which seem to be a craze at the moment. I bought organic kale from the Vic Market once but it was quite limp and very expensive so I didn't feel it was worth bothering with. Now I have an alternative to try!

Johanna from Green Gourmet Giraffe's post about how to make gravy appealed to me as I reach for a packet mix too often when I know I should be making my own. Some underwhelming gravy recipes have led me to this but it's time to get over it and start experimenting again. On the topic of gravy, Tofu Mom is posting about gravy for the whole month, for the second year in a row!

K from In the Mood for Noodles noocho cheese sauce sounds great because I love trying out nooch sauces and the combination of ingredients are a bit different from others that I have tried.

Burgers and sausages

Jeni Treehugger from Heathen Vegan's spicy cajun lentil patties are exactly my type of burger. As soon as I saw the name I was ready to bookmark this recipe.

Miranda Browning's quinoa and sun-dried tomato burgers sound fantastic and I have been meaning to try a quinoa based burger for a while.

Big Momma from Really Crabby Crafter's gluten-free sausages will be in my mind next time I run out of gluten flour and am wanting to make sausages.

Celeste from Growing up Veg's black bean juicy lucy burger just looks awesome. I had never heard of a juicy lucy before but seasoned black bean patties with vegan cheese is the middle sounds really good to me.

Sweet things

Lauren from Where the veggies are's strawberry lavender muffins sound so interesting as I have never played around with infusing flavours from flowers and have bucketloads of lavender growing in my garden.

La Vida Vegana posted some gorgeous looking chocolate peppermint patties which are exactly my type of sweet treat.


This is just a little sample of the many recipes I have bookmarked over the last 2 weeks! Some of the themes I have been enjoying are coldandsleepy cook's A - Z, Cupcake Kitteh's cookbook challenge (especially the Viva Vegan posts),'s football food sunday and cookbook challenge, Kittens Gone Lentil's cookbook reviews and veg-am's 1 food 5 ways.

Hope you are all enjoying MoFo as much as I am! I will be posting some more links after I have worked my way through the rest of the alphabet.


  1. great minds think alike - I have a round up of some links I am loving (and a few of the ones you include are on my list) - so much out there to take in - though I am not as articulate as you with links because it has been a crazy week!

  2. I just read Johanna's and your blogs and now have so many recipes to make I'm covered until 2012 (at least!) :D Thank you!

  3. Thanks for including my link. There are so many awesome MOFO posts that it makes my head spine sometimes!

  4. Thanks for mentioning my blog, Mel! I am really enjoying your alphabet posts and have bookmarked a lot of your posts :)

  5. No problem Jeni Treehugger!

    Johanna, I have seen your comments on posts that I have liked and thought how similar our tastes are too. Way too much to take in but it sure is fun!

    Thanks Kari, the volume of MoFo posts has been very overwhelming so it was good to summarise and send a few links around.

    No problem K. I have bookmarked more of your other posts too but only really covered a few categories in this round-up.

    Mandee, the feeling is mutual as I have been thoroughly enjoying your cookbook challenges!
