
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Vegan MoFo - Q is for Quinoa Stew (and an award)

This quinoa, lentil and vegetable stew has to be my favourite recipe from the Fat Free Vegan blog as it's the one I have repeated the most. It's from Susan's "Ridiculously Easy" category as she used frozen vegies and tinned lentils for convenience. I have blogged my adaptation of this recipe before which uses fresh vegetables and larger quantities of quinoa and smoked paprika.

It's a great recipe which is simple to prepare and you can throw in whatever vegetables you have around. This time I used pumpkin, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and added spinach right at the end. The flavours improve over time as it tastes even better the next day. I have also mixed a bit of harissa into the leftovers before and made quinoa stuffed peppers which were fantastic!

Click here to see my A - Z of Vegan MoFo posts.

I was both thrilled and extremely honoured to receive the Liebster award (German for favourite, beloved or dearest) from Mandee at Cupcake Kitteh. Mandee's blog is full of beautiful photos of the many things she has made from Viva Vegan which is what initially attracted me. I also find it inspiring how she manages to cook such amazing food with ease that doesn't contain any soy or gluten. Head over and take a look if you haven't been there already!

My job now is to hand out the Liebster award to 5 bloggers that have less than 200 followers if this can be judged from the site. I decided to give the award to bloggers I have discovered throughout Vegan MoFo 2011 that haven't already received this award to the best of my knowledge.

The bloggers (listed in alphabetical order to keep in line with my MoFo theme) I am awarding are:

The winners can pass the award on if they feel inclined to by:

  • Showing your thanks by linking to the person that gave you the award
  • Choosing 5 bloggers to give the award to and leaving a comment on their blog to let them know 
  • Post the award on your blog 
  • Enjoy spreading the love around


  1. My favourite recipe from the Fat Free Vegan site is also a quinoa dish but it's the Internation Quinoa Salad! I haven't tried this stew but I'm going to bookmark it as I have 2kg+ of quinoa to use up.

    You're welcome for the award and thanks for the comment about my blog, I really appreciate it, Mel :) You chose some great blogs to award as well!

  2. I don't use quinoa enough - though I did have it tonight - but must try this one some times - congrats on the award - must check out these blog (have seen some of them in the mofo but am still feeling like I am lagging on the mofo blogs)

  3. Oh, yum... your picture's enough to make me regret not doing quinoa for Q as well. That looks so good!

    I listed you for the Liebster as well but forgot to come here and comment and tell you. Doh. But fyi, one more person on the internet loves you. :D

  4. Aw, thanks for the award!

    Your quinoa stew looks killer--it's rainy and cold and gross here; I bet a bowl of that would be a perfect pick-me-up!

  5. That looks delicious! Pumpkin+quinoa=win
    Thanks for the Liebster!

  6. I EAT GRAINS is a fine blog in my opinion!

  7. oh, quinoa, how I love thee! This looks amazing, and totally up my alley. I'm going to bookmark your version - I'm definitely a fresh veggies kinda gal!

  8. Congratulations on the award :) And this recipe looks just like something I would love.

  9. I recently realized how much I love quinoa, so I'll definitely have to try Susan's recipe. You make it look so good!

    PS Congrats on winning the award!

  10. Thanks Mandee, I'll have to check out the quinoa salad recipe on the FFV blog. I love quinoa in salads.

    Thanks Johanna, I don't cook quinoa that often but I enjoy it a lot when I do.

    Thanks coldandsleepy, quinoa was a pretty obvious pick for Q, quince was a more inspiring choice. It's funny that we were going to Liebster each other but both missed out with timing.

    No problem Jes! This is definitely a good meal for a cold day.

    It was a pleasure to give you the award Dawn. I have bookmarked heaps of your MoFo posts.

    Meat-free Mike, I have made and been inspired by a few recipes on I Eat Grains. It is a great blog!

    Thanks Amey, fresh veggies are the way to go!

    Thanks Kari, quinoa is pretty lovable and so versatile too.

    Thanks jd, you should definitely give it a try. Susan's recipes are fantastic!
