
Friday, October 28, 2011

Vegan MoFo - Y is for Yassa Tofu

Yassa tofu has been one of our favourites to come out of recipe testing so far. It's a baked tofu dish cooked with carrots and onions in an African inspired marinade. Lemon and mustard are the dominant flavours and it also has a spicy kick from the chillies. This meal smelt absolutely gorgeous whilst baking in the oven.

Terry suggested serving this with rice or millet and I daringly picked a millet dish that I strongly suspected would not be popular. I had never eaten millet before and was keen to give it a try but the dish I selected contained mango and peanuts. Both the man and son aren't fond of sweet items in savoury meals so I knew they wouldn't like the mango, and the man doesn't like nuts in salads or stir-frys so it was a bold choice indeed.

We all adored the Yassa tofu and the boys begrudgingly ate their millet. There were some complaints at the end of the meal about how there was none of the delicious tofu left for seconds but heaps of the millet remaining. Yassa tofu will definitely be on the menu again!

Click here to see my A - Z of Vegan MoFo posts.


  1. I've never heard of yassa tofu but your meal looks great! And I am not a fan of sweet in savoury meals but I do like the idea of mango & peanuts in millet

  2. sounds interesting - I love sweet (esp fruit) in savoury but I have never had much luck cooking with millet grains - but I love a good tofu marinade

  3. I like the look of both components - I love sweet in savoury too and the tofu looks divine. Impressive dish!

  4. Lemon & mustardy tofu sound delish! And your boys rock for, even begrudgingly, eating their millet!
