
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Recipe testing

Since I haven't been doing much cooking apart from recipe testing for Terry Hope Romero's new cookbook, I decided to gather some photos together and show you what I have been up to. The following is by no means all of the recipes I have tested but should give you an idea of how diverse the recipes are.

This French caramelised apple tart was a perfect way to finish off an evening meal with family last weekend.

Roasted gnocchi with a tomato caper sauce and roasted broccoli with lemon and sage. This was a really nice meal but my boys prefer a soft home-made gnocchi to the chewy gnocchi in this dish.

This kimchi tofu eggplant stew was different to anything I have eaten before and features home made kimchi.

The man told me that the curry laksa was restaurant quality. It was so good that I convinced him to come home for lunch to enjoy the leftovers. This has been one of my favourites so far too. I have also tested a Vietnamese pho which was really nice.

Chinese claypot seitan and mushrooms didn't really push my buttons although several other testers have enjoyed this and it was pretty easy to make.

Gyros roasted seitan, lemon garlic roasted potatoes and greek salad with cashew feta. I was quite excited to try a gyros seitan recipe during MoFo so when I saw a gyros seitan listed in the recipe index, I had to try it to compare. Terry's gyros is definitely superior and the greek salad is also fantastic.

Hope you enjoy these pics, I'll be back soon with a recipe post!


  1. Love your photos! I have a few of those recipes on my to-do list, so it is nice to see you liked them. :) I will admit, though, that the kimchi tofu stew was way too spicy for me. I should have tried it with the ginger kimchi instead because her kimchi was already too spicy for me. Alas, that's the way kimchi is. :P

  2. wow, you've been busy in the kitchen! that curry laksa looks SO wonderful - i can't remember off the top of my head which ingredient it is, but i know there's something that i can't find locally that's holding me back from trying that one...

  3. What beautiful pictures - you have been so busy! Some nice ideas for alternative cooking methods / styles, too, including for things I make all the time but in a different way (I always steam brocolli, for instance, rather than roast it).

  4. Woah, everything looks good, but I am especially taken with that caramelised apple tart in the beginning. Yumm!

  5. nice to see some of your recent cooking - I am impressed you made your own kimchi but I would probably go for curry laksa - one of my favourite soups but it isn't a quick fix meal - and pho is something I have long told myself I would made - maybe this summer!

  6. The kimchi tofu looks really good!

  7. Thanks Janet! The kimchi tofu stew was pretty spicy but it wasn't too hot for my taste.

    Thanks Jess, the curry laksa is fantastic. Hope you find the ingredient you need to test it.

    Thanks Kari, I always used to steam broccoli but when I tried it roasted, I loved it so much and now I roast it quite frequently.

    Thanks Theresa, the apple tart was pretty wonderful.

    Thanks Johanna, it was great to make kimchi as so much of the packaged stuff in the stores contains shrimp or something like that. The curry laksa takes a little while to make but it is well worth the effort.

    Thanks Jes, the kimchi tofu stew will appeal to people who like spicy food.

  8. That laksa has made me so hungry, I wish I had a bowl of that for lunch today!
