
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Vegan MoFo - Roundup

Vegan MoFo has been such a busy month but not without reward! It has been fantastic to get to know some other bloggers and the abundance of gorgeous creative food posted throughout the month has truly been mind boggling. I was honoured to receive Liebster awards from Mandee from Cupcake Kitteh and ZuckerBaby from Tales of a Vegan Food Fetishist.

I'm glad that I posted some links halfway through the month as the volume in my bookmarks is pretty huge. Here are a few more recipes that I am looking forward to making one day:

Thanks to everyone who has read and commented on my posts throughout the month, I really do appreciate it. I'm looking forward to a quieter month of blogging in November but definitely won't disappear completely. 


  1. Congratulations Mel :) I really enjoyed your recipes and the A through Z aspect was a nice twist.

  2. I hope you enjoy all those! Thanks for the mention again :D

    You've done a great job this month. Can't wait to really go back and look through all your posts more carefully.

  3. Loved your mofo posts and am glad to hear you wont completely disappear in November - hope you try the chia bread some time and have enjoyed catching up on some of your other links (though I have quite a few of yours bookmarked already)

  4. thank you for including me ;) i hope you love the crepes!

  5. Loved your MoFoin! And that list of to-makes includes a bunch I bookmarked too. Happy November!

  6. Thanks for including of our dishes. Have loved reading your recipes over the last month, well done to keeping to a theme and finishing!

  7. Congratulations on making it through the month! Your alphabet posts have been a lot of fun to read. :-)

  8. Thanks Kari, the alphabet theme was a lot of fun and also gave me motivation to get through the month.

    Thanks Dawn, I will get around to making them one day. There a a few blogs that I want to revisit and look over the MoFo posts too.

    Thanks Johanna, I feel like I have disappeared off the face of the blogging universe but I really needed to for a bit. I will rectify this soon.

    No problem Caitlin, I thought your MoFo theme was fantastic and you made some great food.

    Thanks Micah!

    Thanks Jes, I really enjoyed your posts over MoFo too!

    No problem K, I am always interested in a new laksa recipe as I don't have one that I am satisfied with yet. It was a fun month but I am glad it's over now!

    Thanks Cindy, it was a lot of fun to cook the alphabet and I'm sure I wouldn't have made it through the month without a theme like this.

  9. Ooh, looks like delicious options - I'll go and check them out!
