
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Recipe testing - Part 2

My posts have been few and far between recently as I am still knee deep in recipe testing for Terry Hope Romero's new cookbook. The experience has been fantastic and as the focus of the book is based on cuisines from around the world, it suits me perfectly. I love making food from different countries!

Thai jungle curries are completely different to the standard red and green curries that are on the menu at every Thai restaurant. I was so excited to try this recipe as I have been wanting to try a jungle curry for a while. This hit the spot for me but some people would find it too spicy.

It was a bit foolish to attempt these Jamaican curry seitan and potato patties on a weeknight but they were well worth the effort. I haven't really eaten Caribbean food before but these patties made me want to try more.

I have loved all of the Mediterranean recipes I have tested and this pastichio was no exception. A little bit goes a long way as it's a really filling meal.

I haven't photographed any of the soups I have tested apart from this asparagus, potato and leek soup. It wasn't my favourite of the soup recipes but other testers have raved about it.

The Belgian beer bathed seitan stew with oven frites won the hearts of the man and son. It was so rich and hearty and really tasty.

Cauliflower stuffed parathas with okra masala was a delicious Indian meal. I love making flatbreads and although the stuffed ones can be a bit challenging to put together, they really are worth it. This was my first foray into cooking with okra and we enjoyed this curry a lot.

This tomato, olive and garlic socca was an absolute highlight and will be on our weekend brunch rotation from now on. Just thinking about it makes me hungry!


  1. You have been so busy! Dinner at your house must be constantly exciting. These all look great, your testing efforts are clearly successful :)

  2. what a fantastic round up of recipes and lovely photos that are making me hungry - all look so good and interesting - I admire you doing the testing - I think I would be worried I wouldn't find time

  3. I've never heard of jungle curries as opposed to others--need to Google stat! Amazing eats all around, would love to try out that seitan stew especially!

  4. I had to google what a 'socca' is, but now I want one!

  5. Wow, you've been cooking up a storm! And your photos look fantastic. I'll be keeping an eye out for this book when it's published.

  6. you recipes look great too mel :) those jamaican patties look especially awesome!

  7. Ahhhhhhh I can't wait for the book!! It all looks amazing. The Belgian recipe especially.

  8. Kari, yes I have been busy! It is constantly exciting although sometimes I have a night off so I can cook the boys one of their old favourites.

    Johanna, I'm finding that I always have time for the testing but not a lot else. I'm enjoying it heaps and the recipes are really interesting so I'm happy for blogging to take a lower profile for the meantime.

    Jes, jungle curries aren't really that well known in comparison to other Thai dishes. I really love the flavours and the amount of spice is wonderful for me.

    Theresa, I hadn't heard of socca until recently either.

    Cindy, thanks. The book will be out next Autumn sometime. All Viva Vegan fans should love this book too.

    Jes, you should try the Jamaican patties if you get a chance. They were a big hit!

    Ashley, the book will be released for your next Spring. The Belgian recipe was really good.
