
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Nostralis Wholemeal Vegetarian Pizza

Nostralis has been on my radar to try for quite some time as it's the closest veg*n pizza place to my house. On a Saturday evening when the man and I were on our way home from doing errands, he wanted to know what was for dinner. As he didn't seem enthused with any of the quick meals that were on offer, I suggested that we try Nostralis.

I wasn't feeling very hungry until we walked through the door and were overwhelmed with the glorious aroma of pizzas. It's been such a long time since we last had pizza from a store (at least 18 months!) so my stomach changed it's tune immediately. When the pizzas were ready we had a 15 minute drive home yet we couldn't quite wait that long to try some. After stuffing down several slices of pizza in the car, we had to put a lid on it (pardon the pun) and bring some home to the young man who was waiting patiently with the oven preheated.

The Vegie pizza was similar to what standard pizza places would offer on a standard vegetarian pizza; onion, mushrooms, capsicum, olives. It had a substantial covering of tomato on the base and also included a decent amount of garlic and herbs which gave it so much flavour.

The Mexican pizza was topped with beans, onion, capsicum and chilli. The chilli kick in this was nice although I was disappointed with the lack of tomato in the base.

We always used to love a Margherita and couldn't pass up one of our old favs. This was just the way we like them to be - tomatoey, cheesy and herby.

Nostralis has 20 veg pizzas to choose from which are all made with wholemeal bases. Vegan cheese (cheezly) is available on request as are gluten free bases. We played it fairly safe with our selections on this visit, the vindaloo pizza sounded really interesting although we weren't sure if we would like the banana and sultanas that came with it. Maybe we'll be more daring next time around...  

I'm also looking forward to visiting over warmer months as there is a huge park over the road which would be perfect for enjoying pizzas in!

Nostralis doesn't seem to have received many blogger reviews. In the Mood for Noodles gave it the thumbs up twice a couple of years ago which is most likely how I found out about it!

Nostralis Wholemeal Vegetarian Pizza
55 Hawthorn Road, North Caulfield
9528 4961
Open Tues-Sun 5:30-10pm
Pick up only and payment by cash only


  1. Wow, that pizza looks amazing! I'm all about the idea of a vindaloo pizza too. :)

    1. I've been seriously regretting not trying the vindaloo pizza. I'm definitely getting one next time!

  2. What a wonderful place to have near by - if trying to veganise pizzas I usually just ask for no cheese but have found that to be risky as some places then throw stacks of oil over the top!! This looks like a great option and would cater to just about any tastes I'd imagine.

    1. That's interesting (but not ideal) that you get loaded with oil instead of cheese! We have been steering clear of normal pizza places for ages and making them at home as the man doesn't like them without vegan cheese.

  3. Those pizzas look really delicious - good amount of cheese, toppings, bread. Yummy!

    1. They were very tasty and so many options to choose from too. We'll be back for more!

  4. Have been past there a few times and been interested but never got my timing right - sounds like I should try and do so one of these days - love a veg pizza place

    1. If you are ever in the area at the right time I'm sure you would enjoy the variety of toppings on offer.

  5. We've been big fans of this place a long time. It's really quite unique. They have 83% on urban spoon which is a pretty high score
