
Thursday, September 6, 2012

A series of scrambles (part 3)

I've been going through a slightly less productive period in the kitchen recently due to time constraints. Instead of being motivated to cook new meals 3 to 4 times a week, this figure has dwindled down to 1 or 2. Old favourites like pot pies, adobe tofu with refried beans, smoky alfred and a few curries have happily made their way back into our tummies whilst the new meals haven't been worthy of a post. This seemed like a perfect time to continue on with my series of scrambles.

A curried tofu scramble was created earlier this year to appease the man. He requested a tofu scramble flavoured with curry powder that would be somewhat reminiscent of curried eggs. I loaded this up with vegetables and also added some beans in a similar fashion to my Mexican scramble. Kala namak (black salt) is used in place of regular salt to replicate the eggy flavour. The amount of curry powder in the recipe could be adjusted to suit various tastes, I'm not shy when using spices so I would recommended adding a teaspoon or two at a time until you are satisfied with the spice level. This makes a huge batch which is enough to feed the three of us for dinner as well as providing ample leftovers for lunches.

If you have missed the first two parts of my series of scrambles, click here to read part 1 and here for part 2.

Curried tofu scramble

1 head broccoli, stalk cut into pieces and small florets
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 large onion, sliced into thin half moons
3 cloves garlic, minced
150g button mushrooms, sliced
700g firm tofu
5 teaspoons curry powder (use less curry powder for a milder version)
¼ cup nutritional yeast flakes
1 ½ teaspoons black salt (kala namak)
½ cup water
3 small carrots (200g), grated
1 large zucchini (400g), grated
1 x 400g tin black eyed beans or red kidney beans, drained and rinsed
1-2 tablespoons lemon juice
75g baby spinach

Lightly steam the broccoli and set aside.

Heat olive oil in a large deep sided frying pan, add the onion and fry over medium heat for about 5 minutes or until soft. Stir through the garlic for a minute then add the mushrooms and cook until they are soft and beginning to release juices. Crumble in the tofu with your hands then stir through the curry powder, nutritional yeast and black salt.

Add the water, carrot and zucchini and stir to combine everything. Allow the liquid to cook off which should take between 3 to 5 minutes, then stir through your choice of beans, steamed broccoli and lemon juice. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary. Finally stir through the spinach leaves until just wilted and serve immediately.


  1. Mmm, I can almost smell the spices from here! Sounds delicious!

  2. At least you're still cooking your meals! My kitchen productivity has tanked these past few weeks--that curried tofu scramble could really do the trick to get me back to it!

    1. Hope you get back into the swing of things Jes! I feel strange when I'm not trying out enough new recipes but at least I'm still enjoying cooking the old faves.

  3. It's true - one or two meals is better than no meals at all, and means that the old favourites you make get better and better as you refine the recipes!

    Love the sound of a curried tofu scramble - some things just seem to be made to go together!

    1. Good point Joey! Sometimes it works the other way and I find myself in trouble when playing around with tried and tested recipes.

      I should get the man's input more often as he does come up with good combinations every now and then.

  4. I can't say I ever knew the joy of curried eggs but it is something I often saw about me - curried scramble sounds far nicer and I know that E would love it. And it is the sort of simple meal I am more likely to be making at the moment

    1. Scrambles are so versatile and can be as simple as you want them to be. They really are my go-to when I'm short on time or inspiration. Hope you make E happy with something like this one day.

  5. I am intrigued by the curried tofu because I don't like eggs (and thus curried eggs) but Mr Bite loves curried eggs despite being lacklustre about tofu. This could be a good dish for us...

    1. That's an interesting combination of likes/dislikes. This could work out for you and Mr Bite and also introduce you both into the world of tofu scrambles. If you have an Indian spice shop nearby, look out for the kala namak there.
