
Friday, September 14, 2012

Planet VeGMeL 3rd birthday picnic and Vegan MoFo 2012

Planet VeGMeL

Just a reminder that the picnic potluck to celebrate the 3rd birthday of Planet VeGMeL is on tomorrow at the Edinburgh Gardens in Fitzroy at 1pm. Bloggers and readers are welcome to attend and bring a plate of vegan food (gluten-free if possible). Check the Facebook page for last minute updates before you head out there if the weather is looking sketchy. Last year's event was a lot of fun and I'm sure this one will be even bigger and better than the last!

The past year has flown by and it's almost time for Vegan MoFo again! The sign up form has just been launched which is available here. For the uninitiated, the aim of Vegan MoFo is to write a minimum of 20 posts for the month of October which is a lot of work but it's also rewarding and fun, especially if you set yourself a theme to work with. Even if you're not up for participating in the event, it's a fantastic month for blog reading as there were around 700 worldwide bloggers participating last year! I'll post a link to the rss feed when it's available for anyone interested in having their reader inundated with non-stop salivating vegan posts for the month. The deadline for participants wishing to sign up is the 26th September.  

Here's a summary of my A-Z themed posts from Vegan MoFo 2011.


  1. I can't believe it's nearly time for MoFo again! This year has passed by in an instant. I'm looking forward to seeing what creative goodies you'll bring to the table this year!

    1. Where did the year go? It's crazy how time flies! I cant' wait to see what you get up to during MoFo too.

  2. enjoy the picnic - I will be elsewhere - had thought I might be able to drop in after but as plans evolve it doesn't feel like I can. I am glad you are doing mofo - I really enjoyed your posts last year - had thought about doing it this year but not sure I can commit to it because just don't have the energy but will be cheering you on!

    1. Due to another commitment I only dropped into the later part of the potluck but I'm glad that I made it there. I'm a little nervous about making it through MoFo this year as my blogging frequency has plummeted lately. What a shame you aren't joining in again but I understand not having the energy to commit to it.

  3. I've signed up for Vegan MoFo again - I did it for the first time and really enjoyed it. I also loved it because it meant there were tonnes and tonnes of new blog posts to read too!

    1. Yay for another blogger buddy doing MoFo! I'll be interested to see what you get up to Joey! It was my first time last year too and I loved reading others posts as much as participating.

  4. Is it a minimum of 20? That's great news as for some reason I thought it was daily you think I can start after the 5th when we're back?! Otherwise I might have to wait another year. I'll have a look at the guidelines if I get time :)

    1. Yes, it's a minimum of 20 posts for the month, some people choose to do extra and others post daily. You could start when you get back (or even incorporate some holiday posts into it) but make sure that you sign up by the 26th!
