
Monday, October 1, 2012

Vegan MoFo 2012 - Around the world in 20 days

Yes, it's that time of year again, Vegan MoFo! I had a lot of fun last year contributing and reading so many amazing posts and even though I was exhausted by the end of the month, I began plotting away another another theme for 2012 straight away. This year I'm inviting you to come travelling with me, virtually of course! I'm going around the world in 20 days and have no idea where the stopovers are going to be (apart from the first week) which could be challenging at times.

The names of 196* countries have been placed into a hat and at the end of every week my man and young man will be drawing out the next 5 countries that I'll cook some dishes from and post about. The idea of a random challenge really appealed to me although when I sat down and thought about it, I realised that I would need a bit of time up my sleeve to investigate dishes to cook and plan shopping so that's why I'm drawing the countries a week in advance.

Hope you are looking forward to a month of eating around the globe. I'll be back soon reporting from my first stopover which wasn't the easiest country to be faced with first up!

* According to, there is no single correct answer as many sources offer different figures which can range between 189 - 196 independent countries. After a bit of indecision, I used this country list from wikianswers.


  1. I love your theme - am sure it will be lots of fun to follow where your travels take you. I wish I had enough forethought to think of a theme but just signing up to vegan mofo was all I managed :-)

    1. I'm not sure I would be able to make it through the month without a theme to stick with, it definitely spurred me on last year! It should fun and I hope to draw a variety of countries from different regions to keep it interesting.

  2. Hooray! This is such a fun theme, I had a lot of fun doing it a couple of years ago and found that a bit of googling goes a long way. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

    1. Oh yes, google has definitely been my friend in preparing for the first week and I'm sure I'll be relying on it heaps more as the month progresses.

  3. Really looking forward to this - such a good idea. When do we find out what the first country is? Fingers crossed Japan makes it in - Japanese food may be my favourite!

    1. I'm keeping you in suspense and will only let you know about the countries when I post about them. I'll give you a heads up that Japan didn't make it for the first week so keep your fingers crossed for the rest of the month!

  4. Amazing challenge! Can't wait to see which countries you draw!

    1. I'm hanging out to find out what my other countries will be too. I didn't want to draw them all at once as I thought it would do my head in trying to plan 20 things at once.

  5. This is such a great theme! I hope you go to Egypt.

    1. I would like to stopover in Egypt too, there are a few dishes I can think of that I would love to make!

  6. Oh, what a great idea! I'm going to love these posts :)

    1. I hope you do, I'm loving researching, shopping, cooking and writing them too!

  7. This is a great theme! Looking forward to how you choose to explore each country.

    1. Thanks, it's been a lot of fun so far and the meals I've made have definitely been worth the effort.

  8. Hey! :-) Someoneelse with nearly the same topic. Am glad to have found you!
    Visit me (Germany), if you like: There´s also a Translate-Function!;-)
    Best regards, Momo

  9. Somehow I missed these in MoFo! Now I have to read them all and figure out what I want to try!

    1. It's so easy to miss things during MoFo, it's such a busy month! Hope you enjoy the posts!
