
Monday, October 29, 2012

Vegan MoFo - Around the World in 20 days wrap up

I'm sorry to say that my Vegan MoFo virtual trip around the world in 20 days has come to an end. I thoroughly enjoyed this theme and decided early on in the month that I'm going to continue cooking around the world on a weekly basis. Only 20 out of 196 countries were covered during Vegan MoFo so my aim will be to draw one random country a week until I've cooked dishes from them all. If all goes to plan and I'm still happily blogging, this should see me through until the end of 2015!

There is one more bonus country related post to come for Vegan MoFo, so stay tuned for this tomorrow!

My favourite dishes this month were:

The dish I was least happy with were Sri Lankan pan rolls as I had made them previously and my first effort was a lot tastier. We had been contemplating buying a small deep fryer for a while and finally caved in and bought one on the weekend. There were a few contenders as the first thing to cook yet we decided to break the fryer in with another batch of pan rolls. The spices and seasonings were spot on this time, and the deep fried pan rolls were perfectly crispy and evenly cooked. I have made a few adjustments to the ingredients in the recipe I posted earlier this month as well as the method to include my deep frying notes.

On the subject of deep fryers, if you already own one what type of oil(s) do you use and what are your favourite things to fry? For non owners of deep fryers, what would your first meal be if you purchased a deep fryer?


  1. What a trip! I'm looking forward to seeing this series continue weekly.

    Have fun with your deep fryer. :-) If I had one at home I think my first dish would be doughnuts!

    1. Thanks, I'm looking forward to continuing it too! Donuts will definitely get a look in at some stage.

  2. I very much enjoyed your MoFo posts! I screwed up the Grenada jerk tofu :P

    1. Thanks, I enjoyed your posts too! I'm sorry to hear the jerk tofu didn't work out. :(

  3. I loved this theme, everything has looked so good!

    I have a mini deep fryer but I am sitting upstairs and can't remember the brand, might be Tefal. I will check and tweet you. Anyway, we use canola but grape seed oil is meant to be good too. I like making fritters and donuts and chips, both potato and sweet potato :)

    1. Thanks, I loved your posts too and your kitteh post at the end was the cutest thing ever!

      No probs, we ended up getting a Breville. I normally used peanut oil for shallow frying but it's quite expensive so canola might be a good option. I'll definitely give all of those things a go in the fryer.

  4. Congratulations again on your posts Mel - I have really enjoyed them and would be hard pushed to pick favourites. I am delighted that you'll keep up the theme!

    I'll be interested to see what you get up to with your new deep fryer too :)

    1. Thanks Kari, I'm looking forward to keeping up the theme. It really was hard to narrow down my favourites from the month too!

  5. Congrats on your successful journey! I've enjoyed following along and reading about some cuisines which were unfamiliar to me in the past.

    1. Thanks Cadry, I've learnt a lot this month and I'm glad you have enjoyed finding out about some unfamiliar cuisines too!

  6. Yay on making it through the 20 days! I've really enjoyed reading all the travel posts, so I'm glad to hear you'll be carrying it on!

    1. Thanks Joey, I've enjoyed doing it so it will be even more enjoyable to continue this at a less frenetic pace.

  7. Yay! I love my mini deep fryer, I don't use it that often but there are some things that just need deep frying! Your rolls look great. I just use vegetable oil in ours (which is what us Brit's call Canola!) and the best thing I ever made in it would have to be battered fried avocado. It was epic!

    1. I'm sure this fryer won't get used that often but there are some things that are just so perfect when fried. Canola sounds like the way to go, thanks. That battered fried avocado recipe looks ridiculously good, I've bookmarked it and am definitely going to try it!

  8. haha, well it's good to have a long term blogging plan to keep you motivated! I love it!

    1. Yes, this blogging plan will keep me busy for a while!
