
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Vegan MoFo - Final round up

It's hard to believe that Vegan MoFo is over already! I'm pleased that I stuck to my theme and managed to post everyday (twice on the first day), this one makes it 32 posts for the month which is 5 more than last year. Phew! Although I'm looking forward to some quieter blogging months, my head is already swimming with ideas for Vegan MoFo 2013. There were so many wonderful bloggers contributing and loads of fun themes this year and even though I didn't come close to visiting all of them, it was great to find some new blogs that I will continue to follow.

I've already posted some weekly round up links here, here and here, below are a few more bookmarks from the past week or so.

  • Cashew Queso - PPK (This has been sitting in my bookmarked recipes for ages, it's been given the thumbs up so many times during Vegan MoFo so I'm definitely going to try it soon)

Just a reminder that I'm going to be continuing my cooking trip around the world, randomly selecting one country a week. Here is the list of the countries I covered during MoFo. Stay tuned for a post next week as I'm going to take a quick breather for now and try out some of these bookmarked recipes as well as making a few more things from Vegan Eats World!


  1. Ooh, I like your round up choices - have starred a lot of the same things in Google Reader. I hope you like the garlic lemon dal!

    1. Thanks, I'll definitely be trying the dal soon! I'm always trying new dal recipes.

  2. It's been a great time watching your "travels," Mel! It's hard to believe that another MoFo has come to an end!

    1. It is hard to believe it's over already! As much as I really enjoy MoFo it's been lovely to have a quieter week since.

  3. Congratulations on posting every day - I did less days this year than last year but was still more than my usual month so I was happy enough but I did notice that you just kept on going. Love your links here - quite a few I have already starting browsing before commenting - great to ready these round up of links to help keep up (and pleased to see one of mine there). You deserve a break - but hope to hear how you go with your round the world travels

    1. Thanks, I didn't have a firm plan at the start of the month apart from the theme and I guess my motivation levels went a bit crazy! It will be great to have these links to refer to when I'm looking for something new to try.

  4. Thanks for the shout out! I absolutely love your blog, and can't wait to try out some of your recipes. (I was in Vienna last June, so I think I'll try Austria first!) Anyways, let me know how the cheese turns out!

    1. Thanks, I haven't got to the cheese yet but I'll definitely let you know how it goes! Was great to find you this month too!

  5. Enjoy the breather - just don't make it too long! I really want to see more globe-trotting recipes!

    1. Never fear, the globe-trotting has resumed! There will be plenty more world recipes to come.

  6. Congratulations Mel - I have been so impressed with your recipes and with your posting! You had 9 more posts than me and I found my 23 challenging enough :) I am so pleased you're continuing the Round the World theme and will look forward to the weekly posts.

    1. Thanks, it was a challenge to put aside so much time every day but it felt like a good achievement! I'm excited about continuing around the world cooking too.

  7. I really enjoyed reading your posts! Those Aussie Jelly Cakes are on my to make list for sure! Glad you are going to keep it up the round the world posts, can't wait to see where you go next!

    1. Thanks, I enjoyed your posts too! I'm looking forward to more of your world travels as well.
