
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Vegan MoFo - Vegan Eats World

Last Wednesday I was extremely excited when my tester copy of Vegan Eats World arrived! This was my first recipe testing experience which I thoroughly enjoyed as it involved cooking with cuisines from around the world and Terry Hope Romero's inspiring delicious recipes. It's wonderful to finally see the book in printed form and be able to flick through the familiar recipes I've already tried and bookmark plenty more I haven't had the chance to make yet.

I love that it's a hardcover book and think that Terry's introduction to kitchen basics and the shopping list pointing out where to source uncommon ingredients are really detailed and helpful. The menus at the back are fantastic for planning feasts from specific countries or regions. Another feature which is handy for navigating the recipes are indexes by gluten free, soy free, quick meal and other categories.

Some of my favourites I have made several times are socca (chickpea crepes), eggplant parmesan, Thai red and green curries, curry laksa, yassa tofu, basic baked tofu, Sri Lankan cashew curry, spring rolls and gyros roasted seitan. There are also heaps of other recipes I loved and want to make again like Venezuelan scramble with arepas, chipotle tofu sandwiches, banh mi scrambled tofu, beer bathed seitan stew, Jamaican curry patties, Thai drunken noodles, wonton soup, tom yum soup and ful medames.

I highly recommended Vegan Eats World which is officially released on 30th October and can be pre-ordered from Amazon now.  If you would like to take a peek at some photos of the delicious food I tested, my posts are herehere and here.


  1. You have me so excited to try this book, Mel! Testing for it must have been so much fun :)

    1. Testing was a lot of fun and even though I tested heaps of recipes, there are still so many more that I can't wait to try! I hope you enjoy cooking from it.

  2. Oh, man, Mel! Now I'm even more eager to start cooking. I tested too, but I only did ten recipes. I still have so many to explore! I can't wait!

    1. It's such a great cookbook, I got a bit hooked on the testing as everything was so delicious. Hope you enjoy exploring the recipes further!

  3. How great to have the recipes to go along with your posts! That must have been a very exciting package to receive.

    1. It was a very exciting package to receive and it's so great to have the book in hand to flick through. As much as I love blogs and get inspired by other peoples recipe, I'll never tire of cookbooks!

  4. you're not the first person to say how great this is. Damn, another cookbook on the want list!

    1. Yes, the word is spreading fast about Vegan Eats World which is great to see as it really is a wonderful cookbook. My want list is always growing and changing but it never seems to dwindle in size, a bit like my bookmarks! ;)
