
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Vegan MoFo - Week 1 Round up

Week 1 of Vegan MoFo has flown by so quickly! There have been an enormous amount of inspiring recipes and ideas so I've been bookmarking away like crazy. Last year I posted a summary of some of the great posts that caught my eye halfway through the month and at the end of October. This year I decided to make it a weekly event, here is the first one!

Vegan Richa - Buffalo mozzarella using coconut cream

Cupcake Kitteh - Beetroot pesto

Eating Appalachia - Yemenite Eggplant Casserole

Tofu Mom from Tofu n sproutz - Homemade tofu

think. care. act. - Cannoli

Wing-It Vegan - Vegan meringue using flaxseeds (amazing concept from Miyoko Schinner, the author of the new cookbook Artisan Vegan Cheeses

Wholly Vegan - Avocado chimichurri bruschetta

Vegan Sparkles - Whole roasted tandoori cauliflower

Denise on Earth - Spinach pasta cups

Food stains - Carrot bacon

Inspired Eats - Shiitake mushroom bacon

The Vegan Crew - Lemon thyme tofu

Growing Up Veg - Vegan Wolf pupcakes (very cute!)

Some of the themes I've been enjoying are:

Joey from Flicking the V's - A to Z of ingredients she hasn't cooked with before

Tofu Mom from tofu-n-sproutz - Month of tofu posts

Jojo from vegan in brighton - A different theme a day again this year including Scottish Saturday and the popular Football Sundays

That's just a handful of the themes and posts I've enjoyed over the past week. I'll be back to the around the world theme tomorrow reporting from my sixth stopover.


  1. Thank you so much for including my cannoli :)

    1. My pleasure, your cannoli looks lovely and not as fiddly as other recipes I've seen!

  2. Thanks for the link! I can't wait to check out the others--cannoli, carrot bacon? Oh yums!

    1. No probs, that eggplant dish looks so delicious! There have been way too many yum floating around mofo, I'm sure I've missed heaps too!

  3. great links - I haven't visited as many mofo blogs as last year so really appreciate a little peek into what you are loving

    1. It is such a busy month trying to organise your own blog whilst visiting so many other great ones. I'm feeling a little less enthused this week but trying to keep up as much as possible.

  4. Replies
    1. My pleasure Bobbie, that tofu looks great as do some of the recipes you've posted this week.

  5. Great wrap up! I can't believe I missed that eggplant casserole, thanks for pointing me in its direction! And Jojo's football food is the best.

    1. No problem, there's so much going around it's so easy to miss things!

  6. Oh my goodness me. Vegan mofo really sets the bar very, very high!

    1. It's great isn't it? My mind won't stop thinking about food for a second!

  7. Aw, fanks for including my post in your round up, lovely!

    1. No probs, I love the sound of your beetroot pesto!
