
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Vegan MoFo Day 1 - Theme Intro

The time has arrived once again for the craziest month in the calendars of vegan bloggers - yep it's Vegan MoFo and it's a month earlier than it has been over the past couple of years! Planning for Vegan MoFo has been quite harried and daily posting seems a little daunting at the moment but I've done a little more preparation than in former years and am going to try my hardest to achieve this goal. There have been so many ideas for themes swimming around in my head and as I couldn't decide on a single one I'm going to work off seven themes, one for every day of the week. Here's what I have in store for you.

MoFo Mondays
During my past two Vegan MoFo's I have bookmarked so many recipes and only ended up making a very small portion of them. On MoFo Mondays I will be digging through my MoFo bookmarks and testing out some of these recipes. As the month progresses I'll be cooking and writing about a few recipes from this month too!

Tempeh Tuesdays 
Tempeh has filled me with trepidation for years as I didn't get off to a great start with the fermented soy bean. Since then I've discovered a couple of ways to appreciate it, my favourite being this fantastic lasagne I make on a regular basis during colder months. Tempeh Tuesdays are going to feature new tempeh cooking experiments with the aim of adding some new recipes to my tempeh rotation.  

Worldly Wednesdays
Last year's theme for Vegan MoFo was called Around the world in 20 days where I cooked food from 20 randomly selected countries. I had a lot of fun with this theme and planned to continue it after the month ended on a regular basis. It hasn't worked out as regular as I had hoped as I've only completed another 8 countries in the past 10 months so I'm hoping to reignite my passion for around the cooking this month.

Tidy-up Thursdays
My pantry is in dire need of a jolly good clean out! Over time I have accumulated so many different types of flours, sauces, beans, tinned food, etc. and it's ridiculous that there are ingredients sitting in my pantry that I've never even tried. I loathe throwing away food so the aim of Tidy-up Thursdays is to give the pantry a bit of a spring clean which may involve cooking with items that have past their best before dates!

Free Fridays
When it came to Friday I couldn't decide on a single theme as I had too many ideas so Fridays are going to incorporate a few of the different themes I was planning to write about. I'm not going to give too much away yet, you'll just have to wait and see what is in store!

Sweet Saturdays
I don't have much of a sweet tooth but my fellows definitely do. They usually pester me to bake their favourite recipes when they have a hankering for something sweet so I'm hoping to expand my baking repertoire this month with some more challenging items than the lemon slicechoc-chip cookies and rum balls I make regularly.

Summary Sundays
I posted summary posts throughout my first and second Vegan MoFo to keep track of the recipes I've bookmarked and to share some MoFo love around. It's also a helpful reference for me to look back after the month has ended so I'm doing this again and I may have some surprises in store for Sundays too.

How does my plan for the month sound to you? Are there any themes you are looking forward to reading about? Hope you are all looking forward to a fun filled month of delicious vegan food too!


  1. It sounds fantastic, especially your Tidy-up Thursday because I also have so many this-and-thats in the pantry that I never seem to use :)

  2. That all sounds great! I like it that you're mixing it up throughout the week with a variety of things. I can't wait to follow along!!

  3. You are so organized. I have no theme and little planned. It will be a blogging-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kinda thing for me! Good luck, everyone!

  4. Excellent! Organisation is the key to a successful mofo (which is probably why I've never been able to do it properly!).

  5. I love your daily themes, Mel!

  6. I've been looking forward to hearing your theme (or themes!) and now I am looking forward to following the posts that sit under the plan! I think it's going to be a great month :-)

  7. I love your MoFol plan! I can't wait to see which tempeh recipes you try (I need to add more to my repertoire too) and I'm excited to see what happens on Free Fridays!

  8. I think Tidy Up Thursdays for me - I am permanently caught in a cycle of buying weird and wonderful ingredients and then saving them for special recipes I never seem to get around to. If you happen to make something that involves perilla, apple puree and tomatillos, I will be forever in your debt!

  9. Wow, so organized. I thought about doing a daily theme thingie but I was scared that I was gonna set myself up for failure because I have a bad habit with setting really high expectations of myself.

    I look forward to your MoFo posts. I like that one of your day's themes (Thursday) is also accomplishing a personal goal. That was smart!

  10. Sounds awesome to me! What a great idea! Sounds like i need to join you on Thursdays as my pantry ends up over-packed with unopened items quite a bit too :-/

  11. wow that is going to be quite a month for you - I am excited by all of the themes though I think I am most in need of Tidy up Thursdays. I also love your making mofo recipes too - I also have done summary posts and return to them every now and again - there is so much inspiration in mofo - good luck with your themes

  12. Thanks everyone for all of your lovely comments! I'm sure many people (and most veg*ns) have weird and wonderful things lurking in the backs of their pantries and honestly my pantry could have benefited from this being my theme for the entire month. I know the organisation won't last for the whole month but I'm pleased that I got off to a good start. Happy MoFo to you all!

  13. Loving the plan, can't wait to check out what you get up to in the kitchen. I'm sticking to the 'official' theme, as it's my first Vegan Mofo, which is proving more difficult than I first thought especially when I'm planning to do 30 different recipes with beans as I'm over run with them in my garden :)
    Jasmine x

    1. Thanks for stopping by Jasmine - I really love the sound of your theme. I hope to be over run with beans one day, my little veggie garden could do with some of your gardening know-how!

  14. ooh i love the multiple themes:) cant wait to see all the fun posts

    1. Thanks Richa, I'm loving your posts again this year too!
