
Monday, September 16, 2013

Vegan MoFo Day 16 - MoFo Mondays - Cheddar stuffed black bean burgers and Sindhi bhindi masala

Yesterday was the half way mark of Vegan MoFo, it was also the first day I have missed a post! Weekends are generally pretty hectic around here and as the one that just passed was busier than most, I couldn't find time to sit down and condense my growing bookmarks into a Summary Sundays post. 

This week for MoFo Mondays it was time to get stuck into some recipes from the last couple of weeks - first were Dawn from Veg-am's cheddar stuffed black bean burgers. As I'm not a big fan of commercial BBQ sauce and didn't have a homemade one on hand I switched it up and used Frank's Red Hot sauce to give the burgers a buffalo flavour. This change worked well for me and the other minor things I did differently was to use cheezly mozzarella in the burgers (as it was the only melting type of cheese I had in the fridge) and a little bit of rice flour when the burger mixture wasn't quite holding together. I was quite excited to discover that asparagus had come into season so the burgers were served with oven baked potato wedges and asparagus. These burgers had a great texture and I loved the buffalo flavouring but regretted not stuffing a larger quantity of cheezly into the centres. 

We have been right into okra curries lately and I've made a handful of different recipes over the past couple of months without being able to find a favourite. When I saw River from Wing It Vegan post about a gorgeous looking sindhi bhindi masala I simply had to give it a try. The recipe is posted at The Lotus and the Artichoke and includes a few handy tips about how the curry can be customised. This was just the sort of recipe I needed, after tinkering with it slightly it turned out to be the okra curry I've been searching for. The gravy was richer than the other recipes I've made and the spices packed a decent punch. I'll definitely be making this one every now and then to have on our regular curry nights.   

If you read last Monday's post which talked about a corned beef seitan you may recall that the seitan wasn't quite what I was searching for. More than half of the seitan was remaining as well as heaps of sauerkraut so I combined them with a cheesy sauce into a oven bake I named Reubenesque casserole. We enjoyed the seitan in this casserole more than we had in sandwiches and this casserole kept us going for a few meals. 


  1. They all look so yummy.
    I LOVE burgers - but I do enjoy bbq sauce too ;-)
    Love sauerkraut too.

    1. Thanks Sandy, I'm a big fan of burgers too but am only a recent convert to sauerkraut.

  2. The burgers sound great - there are lots of great stuffed recipes I am finding this mofo - but I really love the sounds of the reubenesque casserole - quite like the idea of it in mac and cheese - if only my mother had tried corned beef a few different ways I might not have hated it so much

    1. Thanks Johanna, I've seen a few stuffed burger recipes during the past two MoFos and have always meant to try out a recipe. I almost added some cooked pasta to the reubenesque casserole but it turned out to be hearty enough without it. My mother didn't change up our corned beef dinners either!

  3. That okra does look gorgeous. I just don't cook with it enough. I never get that okra-is-slimy thing either - it's part of its charm! I like that the seitan got reborn too - rejigged leftovers are the way forward!

    1. Thanks Joey, I can understand okra being a turn off for some people as it took me a few goes to become comfortable cooking it. A touch of lemon or lime juice at the end is a good trick to settling down the slime factor! I love rejigging leftovers and when they turn out this good it makes me very happy!

  4. cheddar stuffed black bean burgers. never thought of stuffing my burgers. great idea!

    1. Thanks India, I can't take credit for the burger stuffing idea but it is a great concept! I've been meaning to try a recipe like this for at least 2 years and am glad I finally got around to it.

  5. Those burgers look fantastic. I love the idea of using hot sauce instead of barbecue too!

    1. Thanks Kari, I think I would love these just as much with a nice homemade BBQ sauce but I'm just not keen on the commercial ones. Hot sauce did the trick nicely this time.

  6. I've always wanted to try okra, but have never seen the fresh stuff around these parts and there's no way in hell I'm eating it canned. So I'll just have to stare longingly at your picture instead.
    Nice seitan save, and what a save it is! That reubenesque casserole looks crazy good.

    1. Thanks Maggie Muffins, I don't always use fresh okra as it's not the easiest vegetable to come by. For this recipe I used frozen okra which was purchased from a large Indian spice shop.

      The seitan was definitely worth saving as we loved it so much in this casserole.
