
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Vegan MoFo - T is for Tortilla Chips and testing for Terry

I found it strangely coincidental after deciding to make tortillas for the letter T and a suite of accompanying Viva Vegan recipes that an email would land in my inbox notifying me that it was time to start testing recipes for Terry Hope Romero's new cookbook! It was so exciting but the timing a little frustrating as I have come so far with my MoFo theme and still want to see it through. My remaining MoFo posts will be briefer and slightly altered from my original plan to compensate and may also include a couple of photos from recipe testing.

On Friday night, I made blue corn tortillas, refried beans, sofrito, guacamole and cashew crema although due to a mishap with the hot sauce I decided not to post the photo. Instead I whipped up another batch of blue corn tortillas to be made into tortilla chips. I tried a oven-baked version of tortilla chips a while ago which turned out alright but ever since I have wanted to try them again, this time deep fried.

I used a wok with peanut oil to fry the tortillas wedges in and after they were cooked, seasoned one batch with nutritional yeast, smoked paprika, chilli and salt and the other batch simply with salt. The texture of the tortillas chips turned out to be inconsistent with some a bit too soft whilst others had the right amount of crunchiness. I was a bit concerned about burning the chips initially and definitely undercooked the first batch or two. The ones that turned out the best spent about a minute in the wok.  

Since Friday I have tested three of Terry's recipes which have all been really good but this has meant that I haven't had time to catch up on MoFo posts or reply to comments for a while.

Click here to see my A - Z of Vegan MoFo posts.


  1. You will certainly be busy with recipe testing + Vegan MoFo, but I hope the process is enjoyable at least! It sounds fun, but I admit the time pressures would weigh on me too.

    I did a double take when I read that you made tortilla chips. The idea has honestly never crossed my mind! In fairness to me, I don't really eat them, but I might if I made them myself...

  2. You're so lucky to be testing for Terry!! I can't wait for her new book to be released.

    Your meal on Friday night sounds delicious and I love the blue corn chips!

  3. Am impressed that you not only made tortillas but you used blue corn and made them into chips - am sure that is just the sort of tester terry hope romano is after - hope you enjoy the testing

  4. Where did you find blue corn to make the tortillas?

  5. K, I found the blue corn at Casa Iberica. It was more expensive than the regular corn masa but I really wanted to try it.

  6. Thanks Kari, this month has been busy enough so I guess I have become accustomed to either being glued to the kitchen or the computer. I don't usually eat tortilla chips on their own but they are great with dips or for nachos.

    Thanks Mandee, I do feel very privileged to be testing for Terry. The Friday night dinner was really tasty, I had been craving that type of meal for a while. I can't believe it has taken me this long to try the sofrito, it is sooo good.

    Thanks Johanna, I was so excited when I found the blue corn as I love trying out new ingredients. I don't have a tortilla press so I have to use a rolling pin but they are pretty easy to make, especially after a few goes.
