
Monday, October 24, 2011

Vegan MoFo - U is for Upside Down Blueberry Microwave Cake

A minor cooking mishap in an attempt to make a chocolate mug cake that K from In the Mood for Noodles posted about last week wasn't enough to deter me from trying again. The disaster was totally my fault, I should know by now that microwaves can vary when it comes to cooking times and I still don't understand how I managed to turn my back at that crucial moment. It was only a matter of seconds from when that delicious chocolate aroma turned into a horrible burnt smell and the microwave starting smoking!

I felt very stupid for failing at such a simple recipe so I had to give it another try. This time I made the berry almond variation and checked the Facebook page for further hints before getting started. I made the cake in a ramekin rather than a mug as the sizes are similar and initially set the microwave for 2 minutes (watching it like a hawk the entire time). The middle looked slightly underdone so I zapped it for another 20 seconds and the cake was done.

My son really enjoyed the cake and fruit isn't his favourite thing so I have promised to make good with a chocolate one for him soon! This is the type of dessert I would usually like but I was way too full from dinner tonight so I'll have to try one for myself soon.

Click here to see my A - Z of Vegan MoFo posts.

Upside Down Blueberry Microwave Cake (Adapted from In the Mood for Noodles)

2 tablespoons dairy-free margarine
2 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons self-raising flour
1 tablespoon almond meal
1 tablespoon applesauce
Handful of frozen blueberries
A drizzle of maple syrup

Cook the margarine in a bowl for about 30 seconds or until melted. Stir through the sugar, self-raising flour, almond meal and applesauce and mix until well combined.

Place the blueberries in a ramekin or large mug, drizzle with some maple syrup then cover with the cake mixture. Put the ramekin or mug on a plate and cook in the microwave for 2-3 minutes or until the cake has set in the middle.

Run a knife around the edges to loosen the cake, then invert onto a plate and enjoy!


  1. loved this on K's blog and it looks great on yours - I actually think you are clever to fail with such a quick recipe because it is one that isn't too hard to repeat - though it never feels good to waste berries! I have had to learn great self control with my microwave because even though it looks like it needs more time I find that often the last bit of cooking is out of the microwave - part of their magic!

  2. i'd have a quick snack cake any day.. y bourluebrry upside down looks precious!

    Richa @ Hobby And More Food Blog

  3. Glad you tried again and that reminds me I should put a warning on the page about times varying.

  4. This looks wonderful - and I love that it can be done so quickly. I'm glad you didn't stop after the first attempt too!

  5. That looks great! I love the idea of mug caje but I'm still yet to try it.

  6. Thanks Johanna, in retrospect it was a good recipe to mess up apart from the smelly house! There was so little time and ingredients wasted with this mistake. I haven't really used the microwave for anything other than reheating foods and cooking green vegetables.

    Thanks Richa, it does turn out really well for so little work.

    Thanks for the recipes K! I had to try again as I couldn't let these simple cakes beat me. When I stayed with my in-laws last year I found that their microwave was so much more powerful than ours. :)

    Thanks Kari, it's a great recipe to have up your sleeve. If you feel like eating cake, you can whip one up in 5 minutes.

    Thanks Mandee, you should definitely give them a try one day.
