
Monday, January 23, 2012

A new look

After many hours of fiddling around with templates and a lot of indecision, Veganise This! has been given a new look. There may be further tweaks to come but my main aim was to give the blog a cleaner appearance which I think I have achieved. Another item I have been meaning to write for ages is a simple About page which I have finally published; this is accessible from the top menu bar.

Over the last year I have been slack with updating the list of blogs that I read frequently, there are many that I have added to my reading list that don't currently appear in my sidebar. You can expect to see a lot more in the next week or two.

I would love to know your thoughts about the updates. Let me know what you think of the new look!


  1. Wow that looks great - I like the clean look and the header - the only problem is that the blog name gets a little lost because some of the white bleeds into the light background - are you able to do different colours or place it differently because I love the photos! And nice about me page

    1. Thanks for your feedback Johanna. I did play around with different colours but couldn't find one that fitted in with the images. Cadry's suggestion about the drop shadow seemed to work best although I'm just using an outline around the text rather than a shadow.

    2. I think the black outline helps a lot with the blog title - it looks great - now I feel like I should give my blog banner a bit of attention!

  2. Great job! I love the clean new look and the variety of foods represented in the header. I agree with Johanna that your blog name gets a little lost in white. Maybe you could do a black drop shadow behind it to make it pop.

    I enjoyed reading your "about" page. I agree that blogging and reading blogs is a helpful way to find a community of vegans in this non-vegan world, even if it means reaching around the globe to find them! :) Like you, when I look at the pictures on my blog from my first year or two, I cringe, but it's also good to know there has been progress and self improvement!

    1. Thanks for your suggestion Cadry. I'm a bit technically challenged when it comes to graphics so I ended up using an outline around the text rather than a drop shadow.

      Nice to hear I'm not the only one who cringes at their early posts!

  3. This is wonderful Mel! I'm glad you didn't do this before I made my changes or I might have been paralised by the high standards set :) The header is great (I'm thinking you might have already made the changes suggested above as the white letters have black around them on my screen?) and it all looks nice and clean. Very impressive.

    1. Thanks Kari, I have always liked how you have photos in your blog header, that part of my layout is inspired by your blog. I spent a bit of time before work this morning tidying up the header based on Johanna and Cadry's feedback so it looks a lot better than it did previously. :)

  4. I love the new blog look, Mel, especially the delicious looking food in the header :)

  5. Thanks Mandee, I had wanted to make a change for a while and am a lot happier with the new layout. :D

  6. Hi Mel, I love your new look. It's very clean and refreshing, and all that food in the header image looks scrumptious.

    1. Thanks Vaishali, I'm pleased to have a cleaner look with some of my food featuring!
