
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My first year in review

Many bloggers summarise their year at the end of December or the start of January. My blogoversary falls on the 18th January so I decided to hold out until now to publish some thoughts about my first year of blogging and a few goals for the year ahead. I really wasn't expecting blogging to become a big part of my life, or to have published 142 posts over this time, but it has been a lot of fun and a wonderful experience.

Some of my blogging and cooking highlights throughout the year have been:

Monty was very interested in this chilli that rolled off the bench

Favourite recipes from my blog still on rotation are:

On a personal note, 2011 started off on a high and went downhill from there. It was exciting to move back into a much larger home with a brand new kitchen after our lengthy renovations were finally completed. It wasn't long after the move back home that we discovered a lump on our dog Jasper's hind leg which was diagnosed as a bone cancer. This turned our world upside down as we were faced with the decision to amputate his leg and hope that no secondary cancers had started to form or to euthanise him in a week's time.

We gave our darling dog a chance and Jasper fully recovered from the amputation in a couple of weeks. His spirit did not change in the slightest, he still loved (and demanded) his daily walks and chased our cat Monty around the house at times. We cherished every day that we were able to spend with Jasper and tried to put in the back of our minds that our time with him could be limited.

Six months after the surgery Jasper's health deteriorated in a matter of days and an X-ray of his lungs confirmed our worst fears. A secondary cancer spread to his lungs and had been growing at an aggressive rate. It was so traumatic to hold him in our arms and watch him go to sleep forever. It was the first time the man and I had ever been in such a position with any of our pets. We were both totally devastated and couldn't function properly for days. He was like our second child, not a dog, which a lot of people wouldn't really understand.

Almost 4 months have passed but we are both still grieving. We miss him dearly and I still cry at times when I think of him. It has taken me until now to be able to write about him which hasn't been an easy task but hopefully it will help somehow. I still love seeing Jasper's cheeky grin every time I leave a comment on someone's blog so I won't be changing my profile picture anytime soon.

We planted a Japanese Maple in Jasper's resting place

Rather than leave you on a sad note, I'll sign off with a few goals for the year, which are:
  • Update my blogger template soon. I have been looking into this for what feel likes ages but haven't been able to decide on a layout!
  • Experiment with cuisines I haven't cooked with before.
  • Take photos when eating out and post about these experiences more often.
  • Participate in my 2nd Vegan MoFo.      

I would like to thank everyone that reads this blog and especially those who have left comments throughout the year. I really love hearing from you and appreciate every comment I receive. Hope you stick around for another year! 


  1. great round up of your first year of blogging - have really enjoyed following your blog and look forward to another year

    so sorry to hear about jasper passing away - so sad for you - the house must feel strange without him - I understand exactly what you mean about him being part of the family - some of my saddest moments of my childhood were about our pets.

    1. Thanks Johanna, I'm looking forward to another year of blogging too. It's been great getting to know you as I had been following your blog quietly for years before I joined the blogosphere.

      I do recall being very upset when I was a child and we lost pets but I think it hits you harder as an adult because they are totally your responsibility. Jasper was a huge part of our family, not only do we miss having him around the house but also taking him for walks and away on camping trips, etc.

  2. Mel, I am so sorry to hear about Jasper. I remember the amputation but had hoped he would bounce back from it. I have never owned a dog but know of several who are valued family members, and even as a non-owner I can see how traumatic it would be for those families if they passed away. The decision to have to put a pet down must be one of the hardest things - I hope 2012 brings no similar challenges.

    On a more positive note, you have had an amazing year of blogging. I have really enjoyed your posts (and continue to!) and like Johanna am looking forward to another year.

    1. Thanks Kari, Jasper did bounce back quickly from the amputation and seemed to be in good health afterwards which is why it took us by surprise. The decision to have him euthanised was easy when we found out how severe his condition had become and that there was no cure. It wasn't easy for us to deal with losing him but at least we were able to let him go without him having to suffer.

      Thank-you for your comment regarding my blog too. I enjoy reading your posts too! :)

  3. Happy blogiversary, Mel! The one year mark is so exciting & I've loved getting to know you this past year. Your recipes and meals are always so inspiring, keep it up!

    1. Thanks Jes, it's been great getting to know you too!

  4. So sorry to hear about your pup. I totally understand the feeling that dogs (and animals generally) are family members, rather than just pets. What a sad event in an otherwise exciting year of blogging. Hugs!

    1. Thanks for the hugs and kind words Theresa!

  5. It's been awesome having you join the Melbourne veg blogosphere this last year! I always look forward to seeing your new posts in my blog reader. :-)

    I'm sorry for your loss of Jasper. Our cat is the first pet I've ever had and I feel that responsibility deeply, I can only imagine the sadness of losing him. I hope 2012 is a better year for your family, and you can come to remember Jasper with fewer tears but just as much affection.

    1. Thanks Cindy, the year has been a lot of fun and a wonderful experience. It's been fantastic getting to know people whose blogs I have been following quietly for years like you and Michael, Johanna, and K and Toby.

      Thanks for your words about Jasper, I think most people who love animals and/or own a pet do understand what we have gone through. 2012 has a few exciting things coming up for our family so we'll keep our fingers crossed that nothing dampens it! :)
