
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Vegan MoFo - Farmers Markets around Melbourne

The locations of farmers markets around the suburbs of Melbourne and in particular ones that are a ten minute drive away from home were a total mystery to me until rather recently. I had always been under the impression that they were too far away from my house and fitting in this type of weekend ritual on a weekly basis would eat into valuable time. I came across a website one day which has a listing of Saturday and Sunday markets on rotating weeks of the month but other things kept getting in the way and sleeping in didn't help much either.

When we rescued our little guy Ollie 3 months ago there was no more sleeping in for us and as he had been confined to a house for his whole life we wanted to get him out and about as much as possible. We started going to farmers markets the week after we got him and have been going about twice or three times a month since.

Our favourite one location wise is the Wheelers Hills market at Jells Park (3rd Saturday of the month), which is where all of these photos were taken. It has a good selection of fruit and vegetables although there aren't any organic stalls here. We entertained the thought of falafel wrap today before finding out that the bread wasn't vegan. This market is also a fun day trip for us as we put the bike rack on the car and head off for a ride with Ollie on one of the many scenic trails afterwards.

The best one we have been to as far as the variety of stalls and produce is opposite Glen Eira College in Caulfield (2nd Saturday of the month). There is a big organic fruit and vegetable stall and plenty of other non-organic produce as well. We have also been to a smaller market at Monash University in Clayton a few times (4th Saturday of the month) and Ashwood College once (3rd Sunday of the month). The fruit and vegetables we have been buying at the markets is so much fresher, tastes better and lasts longer so I really notice the difference when we miss the odd week at the markets.

My "haul" was tiny today as I'm still a bit unorganised with my theme cooking for the coming week and we got to the market later than usual. I was hoping to include a photo of a more interesting mix from a month ago but I must have accidentally deleted this! Hope you are all having a great weekend!


  1. I think it's sweet that Ollie's arrival is getting you up and out of the house and trying new things. It's good for him, and it sounds like it's been positive for you too! He's such a cutie pie!

    I agree that the food at the farmers market is so much more fresh & delicious. Plus, it lasts longer because it hasn't been sitting on a truck or store shelf for who knows how long. Best of all, I really enjoy talking to the farmers and learning about their produce. I've discovered so many new foods that way, and I was eating a lot of vegetables already!

    1. He is a cutie pie and very energetic which is great for getting us up and going.

      The produce is definitely so much nicer at the markets and it is great to be able to talk to the farmers too.

  2. I love farmers markets but I find it hard to organise to go there as our weekends can get busy and we are not morning people. Glad you have discovered some in your area - it is amazing that they seem to be everywhere but I find you have to be strategic to get to the right ones on the right week

    1. We aren't the best in the morning either so it's been great to find ones that are fairly close to home. Sometimes there isn't much produce left to buy by the time we get there! I marked down the various ones we go to on our calendar to help me keep track.

  3. I've stopped going to our local markets so you've reminded me I really should start going again. I feel the same way about our weekly veg box, the fruit and veg taste amazing, but on the weeks when I don't get an ingredient and have to buy from the supermarket, I really notice the difference.

    Yay for Ollie, he looks like such a happy pup! And boo to the bread not being vegan.

    1. I've been debating about getting a weekly veg box for ages but now I'm visiting the markets I won't bother for now.

      Ollie is definitely a happy pup!

  4. Tika *loves* going to the markets. So many people give her pats, which she loves, and every now and then she gets a bit of fruit that is cut up for tasting. Ollie is seriously cute, I imagine he would be a popular market-goer, too!

    1. Ollie loves going to the markets too and he also gets a fair bit of attention. I'm usually oblivious to what Ollie is doing as I do the buying while the others do the socialising.

  5. What a great day out, for you and for Ollie. He looks so happy :) The markets I visit are actually quite suburban (in an old train station site) so I rarely get to ones that are a big more grassy and park like. I should look up what's around Perth because it does sound like a lovely weekend activity.

    1. It is a fun day, Ollie especially enjoys it as there is usually a walk or a soccer game involved on the outing too. Some of the other markets aren't in as nice surroundings, it was fortunate that the Jells Park one was on last weekend so I could finally take a few photos.

  6. So many markets and so much lovely fresh produce inspiration!

  7. Oh my goodness Oillie is so cute & the farmer's market looks pretty great too.

    1. Thanks, Ollie is a little cutie and we have been enjoying our little market trips with him.
