
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Vegan Mofo - Week 3 Round up

Another week of MoFo has flown by so it's time for another quick weekly link round up. It's been increasingly difficult keeping up with all of the inspiring posts that are going around but we are over the halfway mark now and October will be over before we know it. Here are a few things that caught my eye over the last week.

Inspired Eats - Seitan corned beef

Wing-It Vegan - Beet sliders with coconut milk cheddar

Vegetalion - Chickpea fries

Bite-sized thoughts - Dark chocolate tiffin

The Real Meal - Mexibowl

The Vegan Crew - Spinach and artichoke dip tortilla cups

Cupcake Kitteh - Leek, mushroom and kale pie

Eating Appalachia - Crispy crunchy stuffed tofu pockets

I was excited to see that my market write up got a mention on the Vegan MoFo site today and also that Mandee of Cupcake Kitteh had tried the Mofo Sakay fritters from Madagascar and enjoyed them. Kari of Bite-sized thoughts gave the Grenadian jerk tofu and red beans and rice a mention in her round up too.

I'll be working through the last 5 countries starting from tomorrow, hope you can join me for the rest of the ride!


  1. Love the round up. Excited to check those sights out.

    1. Thanks, there are so many exciting posts around!

  2. Thanks so much for my mention Mel :-) I love that your round up posts includes many dishes / posts that I haven't seen - it's a bit mind blowing to think how many sites and recipes are out there. Thanks for pointing me towards yet more good ones!

    1. My pleasure, I'm very intrigued by your tiffin even though I won't really be making it for myself! I'm sure that I'm missing a lot of posts too, it's impossible to read them all so I skim through and pick out what sounds good to me.

  3. I loved the fritters hun, it came at just the right time, too! And I want to try those beet sliders as well!

    1. Glad you liked the fritters and that they came at such a perfect time!
