
Friday, September 27, 2013

Vegan MoFo Day 27 - Free Fridays - Faking it hot dogs

Last week's Free Friday was a big fat F for a failure to post. I had so many posts planned for Free Fridays although I just didn't have the energy to write one up last week. Fried Friday and Foraging Friday were some of the other ideas I had in store for Fridays but as this is my final Friday post for Vegan MoFo I've chosen to write about Faking it Friday.

Hot dogs always used to be a favourite with my fellows yet I was never the biggest fan due to the mysterious nature of the ingredients involved in the meaty varieties. The boys survived without them for many years until Redwood's hot dog style sausages became available and ever since they have become one of our preferred fast food meals to make at home occasionally. I contemplated making my own a while ago and looked up a few recipes for making hot dogs from seitan although I never got around to trying it out. When Johanna from Green Gourmet Giraffe posted some MoFo Quicklinks a few weeks ago I was interested that she had included a link for a hot dog recipe on Don't Get Mad, Get Vegan.

I was intrigued about where this adapted recipe had stemmed from and after clicking back on a few links I arrived at the original hot dog recipe on Thrifty Living which was one of the hot dog recipes I had bookmarked many years ago. The version I made was fairly close to the recipe on Thrify Living with some tweaks from other bloggers adaptations and a twist of my own thrown in. My only disappointment was with the sizes of the hot dogs as they didn't quite fill up our rolls, the flavour and texture was very impressive which made up for the sizing issue. I'll post a recipe with my adaptation next time I make them as there is one more minor ingredient tweak I would like to try as well as getting the sizes right.

We enjoyed these hot dogs with vegusto piquant cheese, fried onions, ketchup and american mustard on one occasion and another time they were served up as chilli dogs with a lentil and vegetable chilli base. cheesy sauce, ketchup and american mustard.


  1. These look so quintessential I can imagine them coming from a hot dog van (even if the sausages are a teeny bit small) - impressive effort Mel!

    1. Thanks Kari, the customers of the hot dog van might not be very impressed with the smaller size but at least it's an easy thing to fix next time around! ;)

  2. These look yummo! I never ate hot dogs often as an omni, but sometimes I get a hankering for a vegan one!

    1. Thanks Mandee, do GF and soy free vegan hot dogs exist? I hope so for your sake!

  3. strange you made them today as sylvia had a footy lunch at kinder and was telling me she didn't get any of the hot dogs because there wasn't a veg alternative so I was wondering about making some for her

    funny how there can be a trail of where recipes have evolved online and sometimes it takes a reminder to remember something buried in the bookmarks - glad my links helped remind you and they do look great - look forward to the recipe

    1. Thanks Johanna, that's sad Sylvia missed out on hot dogs at the footy lunch! A gluten free version could also work based on the recipe that you posted but with some smokier flavourings?

      I think I had bookmarked this recipe on my previous computer and lost it when I moved things across but I remembered it instantly when I found the source so thanks for pointing me in it's direction! :D

  4. I've always been super curious about making my own hotdogs, there's a recipe in the Vegan Substitutes cookbook that I've had bookmarked for ages. I always end up heading straight for the Field Roast when I get a craving but now I totally want to go find that recipe and try it!

    1. Thanks Megan, the Vegan Substitutes cookbook sounds like one I would really enjoy! I normally use a store bought dog too but it was fun to make my own for a change...

  5. Oh my gosh, I'd totally forgotten that I'd bookmarked that Thrifty Living recipe (I must have not gotten it moved over to Pinterest from Reader)! I can't wait to try these out--yours look awesome!

    1. Yay Jes, I'm really glad that this post has helped you track down an old bookmark. Hope you enjoy the recipe too!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Sandy, they are great to have every so often. :D

  7. I always go for the Taifun ready made ones but they're really expensive - I'd be happy to make my own. Those look great, and I really like the sound of a lentil chilli dog!

    1. Thanks Joey, the best ones we get over here are Redwood's which they aren't terribly cheap either so making my own was more cost effective too. I love my lentil and veg chilli - I cook up a big batch occasionally and used it in all sorts of ways.

  8. This hot dog looks so good!! With hot dogs it seems like it's the toppings that really make it, and yours truly deliver. If they ever make it to your part of the globe, the frankfurters from Field Roast are my personal favorite. Since they came on the scene, I'd have a hard time justifying the time it would take to make my own. Theirs use the same ingredients that I would, and the flavors are masterfully done.

    1. Thanks Cadry, I totally agree with you about the toppings, they really can make or break a hot dog. I really do hope Field Roast (as well as many other brands of vegan foods in the US) make it over here eventually as I've heard so many great things about them. We are rather fond of Redwoods hot dogs which come from the UK but they are a bit pricey which is a reason I was keen to make my own.
