
Monday, September 30, 2013

Vegan MoFo - Day 30 - Vegan MoFo Wrap up

As much as I love Vegan MoFo, I'm quite relieved it's the final day! Given I haven't been finding as much time for blogging this year, it's been a struggle to keep up with the pace and it really wasn't a wise idea to make a personal commitment to posting daily. Amongst the chaos, it has been yet another enjoyable MoFo following fun themes, connecting with new bloggers and drooling over many wonderful food posts.

I've always followed a theme during Vegan MoFo although this was my first time writing daily theme based posts rather than a single month focussed theme. The best part about these posts was managing to accomplish a few personal goals via some of these daily themes - learning to appreciate tempeh in new ways, clearing out old ingredients from the pantry, cooking bookmarked recipes from past and present Vegan MoFo, baking new sweets and continuing my virtual around the world travels.

Once again my bookmarked recipes have grown considerably and rather than post the full list I've accumulated, here is a condensed version of some of the recipes I'm keen on trying.

Spreads and snacks

Fermented garlic cashew cheese - Veganosaurus
Broad bean pate - Self Sufficient Cafe
Tofu nuggets from a Vegan Dollar Menu - KZ Cakes 
Chickpea nuggets - Vegans Eat Yummy Food Too

Soups, salads and wraps

Mulligatawny soup - Flicking the Vs
Corn chowder with edamame and tofu bacon - Green Gourmet Giraffe
Chipotle tofu tortilla salad -  The Cookbook Aficionado
Injera wraps stuffed with Kik Alicha - A vegan obsession
Spanish rice, buffalo tempeh, kale, bell pepper wraps - Vegan Richa

Main meals

Stewed okra and tempeh - Laughfrodisiac
Chiles en Nogada - Eating Appalachia
Baked eggplant rollantini - Veg-am
Creamy mushroom and eggplant studel - Luminous Vegans

Sweet things

Apple pie pancakes - Cupcake Kitteh
Chocolate chip double doozies - Cadry's Kitchen
Croissants - Culinary Interpretations

I had intended to write more summary posts throughout the month but ended up needing a breather every so often. In these summaries I was planning on sharing some videos of our clever little pup Ollie for all the dog lovers out there. The below video is my favourite which was taken earlier this year whilst on holidays in Perth. The house we rented came with the added bonus of a pool which Ollie enjoyed swimming in every single day. He even learnt how to boogie board...

Thanks everyone for reading along, posting a comment, linking back to a post or bookmarking a recipe throughout the month. Hope you enjoyed the Vegan MoFo too, I'm heading off to catch up on the last of the posts now!


  1. Thanks for all these bookmarks (and including mine) - have already started browsing - I never really catch up on vegan mofo altogether because there is so much to read but these summary posts really help. Have really enjoyed all your posts this year, especially the tempeh ones because that is something I don't eat much and it has been interesting to see which ones you have found that you enjoy. And ollie looks a natural on the boogie board :-)

    1. Thanks Johanna, is there such a thing as totally catching up on Vegan MoFo? I know exactly what you mean though and have been enjoying other bloggers summary posts too!

      I'm pleased you enjoyed the tempeh recipes, I think you will see more of these recipes on the blog from now on. :D Glad you liked the Ollie video too!

  2. Thanks for the mention! I didn't even post everyday and I found it overwhelming with the posts as well as trying to connect with as many MoFo'ers as possible. There were just so many amazing things going on for MoFo this month. I plan on trying to still discover new blogs that I might have missed using the randomofo generator thingie. Congrats on 30 posts!

    1. Thanks Ketty, it is such a crazy month and I think I'm going to take the posting back a notch in future so I can enjoy more of everyone else posts. I didn't quite make the intended 30 posts but well over 20 anyway!

  3. Thanks for the shoutout! I hope the nuggets work out for you!

    1. Thanks kzcakes, I'll let you know how the nuggets turn out and will enjoy reading your fun post again when I come back to try it!

  4. Thanks for this round up and congratulations on surviving the month! It feels frantic just reading posts never mind doing them ;) I hope you can recover a bit in October and get around to some of these links with time.

    1. Thanks Kari, recovery is definitely in order this month although I do hope to keep up some sort of blogging frequency. Hope you are available to join in again next year!

  5. I wouldn't worry about the whole posting/not-posting daily, I was just happy to read more of your stuff, however often it comes along! Please keep up with the Thursday theme though - I'm soon to move house and need some inspiration to get cleaning out my cupboards!

    And cheers for the mention - am really chuffed!

    1. Thanks Joey, I'm not too fussed about missing the daily posting now but I was peeved about missed some of the daily themed posts I had planned to write about. I'll be doing Vegan MoFo differently next time, me thinks. A house move is a great way to clear out the cupboards, I'll try to keep my pantry cleaning posts going every now and again...

  6. Oh man, Ollie is so cute. And good on you for making it through another MoFo! I get overwhelmed at the thought of it, and give up almost entirely on reading blogs because there are just too many posts! So I'm very impressed that you managed what you did, despite being busy with other things.

    1. Thanks Theresa, we think Ollie is pretty cute too! It is a pretty overwhelming month but also a lot of fun, I've had my ups and downs throughout it but am glad to have made it through for a third year.

  7. Thanks for the shout out - I hope you enjoy the nuggets
    I've sure got a few of your recipes (both from mofo and older posts) to try.
    I think the next few months i'm cooking from others recipes instead of experimenting with my own hahahaha! ;-)

    1. Thanks Sandy, I'm sure we will love the nuggets. Crumbed food normally goes down a treat around here! Hasn't it been nice to wind down over the past week and have the freedom to cook what you want? Themes are great fun but become a little tiring after a month.

  8. Congrats on another fabulous MoFo! As always, I so enjoyed all of your posts! I'm still trying to catch up on so many posts that I missed in the blogosphere. There's so much great stuff happening that month. Thanks for mentioning my Double Doozies! :)

    1. Thanks Cadry! Congrats to you too, your theme was so much fun and I know those double doozies will be a hit with my young man. I've enjoyed a more leisurely catch up on posts over the past week but still feel there is so much I've missed.
