
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Vegan MoFo Day 8 - Summary Sundays - Week 1

Hey there, hope you have all enjoyed the first week of Vegan MoFo and aren't doing your heads in trying to keep up with the pace! There are heaps of inspiring recipes floating around and once again my bookmarks are getting out of control but rather than share some of them today I'm going to give a shout out to some of the themes I've been enjoying so far.

Johanna from Green Gourmet Giraffe, one of my fellow Melburnian bloggers is baking TV Dinners this month. She has been recreating some lovely looking meals inspired by a range of television shows.  

Seinfeld still remains as one of my favourite shows ever so I'm loving Seinfeld MoFo - A blog about nothing over at Naked Vegan Lunch. Crystal and Trevor have already covered one of my favourite episodes The Soup Nazi, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that a calzone will pop up during the month too.

Joey from Flicking the Vs is veganising British meals for the month and has had my mouth watering with her lovely looking Chelsea buns and Mulligatawny soup.

Cadry from Cadry's Kitchen is revisiting favourite foods from her past travelling around in a virtual DeLorean fuelled by a Flax Capacitor. Check out her Back in Thyme posts - her graphic is fantastic! 

Mandee from Cupcake Kitteh's MoFo Mimic is similar to my Monday theme except she is taking inspiration from her favourite bloggers and bookmarked recipes for the entire month. 

Lazy Smurfs month long taco cleanse sounds exactly like the type of cleanse I would like to embrace. These posts stirred up my taco cravings so badly I had to whip up our favourite combination of refried beans, tofu adobe with cashew cream, guacamole and hot sauce on soft corn tortillas for dinner last night.

What are your favourites themes so far? It's easy to miss things with so much going around!


In my theme intro I mentioned that I was going to have a surprise on Sundays. Well here it is for all you animal lovers - a short video of our 14 year cat Monty showing young Ollie who is the boss of the house. This was taken not that long after we rescued Ollie who has settled down so much in just over a year after having a pretty confusing start to life. It took a little for us to integrate these guys but thankfully they get along quite well these days.

Hope you are all having a great weekend!


  1. great round up - thanks for including my blog - am really enjoying vegan mofo but wish I had more hours in the day - and love seeing your kitty training your dog - hilarious

    1. Was more than happy to include your blog, your theme is great! I wish I had more hours in the day too...

  2. Thanks for the shout out, lovely!

    And the vid of Monty and Ollie is so cute :)

    1. No problem Mandee! Those two are pretty cute together, glad you liked it.

  3. I cracked up at that video - I love the complete submission to feline authority at the end!

    And thanks for the shoutout!

    1. Yes we loved the submission at the end too, Monty tells Ollie who's boss when he feels like it. No probs about the shoutout, I'm loving the British foods.

  4. The taco cleanse is definitely one of my fave's too and Vegan Yack Attack's Mac & Cheese theme!

    1. I'll have to check out Vegan Yack Attack, thanks for letting me know!

  5. Great roundup of some fun themes in Vegan MoFo!

    Also, I am suddenly wanting tacos for dinner tonight! You have piled yours with all the fixin's that I like such as guac and sour cream....may have to run to the store tonight to make this happen :-)

    1. There are so many great themes around as always, I'm sure there are heaps that have passed me by.

      I keep getting like that too, coveting great food on MoFo posts and having massive taco or pizza cravings as a result!

  6. Summary Sundays is a great idea! It's so hard to keep up with everything that it's nice to have some great things pointed out.

    1. I've written up a few summaries in other years which I like to look back on for the bookmarks so it's a good reference for me as well as spreading a bit of love around. I should have added your theme too, I love your Stuff Wrap and Roll posts.

  7. I agree, great roundup! I also love the Taco Cleanse. it's hilarious and informative.

    1. The taco cleanse is good fun and so delicious too!
