
Monday, September 9, 2013

Vegan MoFo Day 9 - MoFo Mondays - Corned beef seitan and Pudla

Last Monday saw me rummaging through my Vegan MoFo bookmarks from 2011. This week for MoFo Mondays, I'm focussing on a couple of bookmarked recipes from Vegan MoFo 2012.

First up is corned beef seitan from Inspired Eats. This is the second time I've made a corned beef seitan and both times the recipes haven't been exactly what I'm searching for. The corned beef I used to eat in my youth was quite salty with a slight amount of clove flavouring which used to be accompanied with roast vegetables or mashed potatoes. This recipe and the one I tried previously have been a bit too heavy on cinnamon and allspice and not seasoned enough to please my salt tooth.

Having said that the seitan did work really well in a reuben styled sandwich (on white bread rather than rye) loaded with sauerkraut and the homemade mustard from The Vegan Ronin I posted about last Monday. Something I really liked about this recipe was how the thinly sliced pieces of seitan were cooked in a broth containing beetroot powder to give them a pinkish colour.

Kittee Bee Berns from Cake Maker to the Stars had me drooling over her Indian pancakes called pudla during Vegan MoFo last year. I'm kicking myself that it took me so long to get around to making these as it's such a quick, easy and tasty recipe which is adaptable to the vegetables you have on hand. 

These savoury pancakes are based on chickpea flour and have a few spices added to the batter. I gave the pudla a little extra heat by adding a chopped red chilli in with my chosen vegetables - shredded baby spinach, grated carrot, finely chopped mushroom, tomato and sliced spring onions. They are perfect for a weekend brunch and will be a regular around here as the man and I loved them. Next time I'll try to get my act together and serve them with a homemade cilantro chutney rather than the store bought mango chutney we had them with on this occasion.

Now that I've gone through a few Vegan MoFo bookmarks from the past couple of years I'm looking forward to getting stuck into some inspirational recipes from 2013!


  1. I don't think I've ever had corned beef, but I understand wanting to find just the right recipe to recreate your memories!

    And I have Kittee's pudla on my list of things to make as well!

    1. Kittee's pudla is wonderful - you should definitely give it a try!

  2. I make the pudla all the time, it's my go-to for when I want a protein heavy breakfast before a work out. Sometimes I even bulk it up by throwing a portion of tofu scramble in there!!

    1. Pudla with tofu scramble added sounds really good, I'll have to give that a try!

  3. Oooh! The only time I've had a reuben was in South Oregon last year (with tempeh). I loved corned beef - maybe I'll try this. Thanks!

    1. The corned beef seitan is probably more US styled than the Aussie meal I grew up eating. Hope you enjoy it!

  4. I have never had corned beef and will confess the idea of the real thing somewhat scares me! I think your version would be much more manageable.

    1. The corned beef is something I've been trying to recreate for the man more than myself as he used to love it years ago.

  5. Thanks for the reminder on Kittee's pudla! It's something I've been meaning to make for a long time. I'm glad that you enjoyed it!

    1. It's a great recipe and so easy Cadry - you should definitely try it out!

  6. love the pudla - I love all those chickpea flour pancake style recipes - have you tried socca - it is similar and is brilliant

    I was glad to see you trying some corned beef because I had plans to make some for vegan mofo if I get a chance - I hated corned beef when I was little - it was pink and salty - so will take your comments on board if I do make it

    1. Thanks Johanna, I made socca often after testing it for Terry Hope Romero but have'n tfor a while now. Thanks for the reminder, it is brilliant as are most chickpea flour recipes.

      I wasn't the biggest fan of corned beef as a child either - I did love the salty aspect but not the way it was served to us. The man used to be quite nostalgic about it which is why I have been on the hunt but I don't think he misses it at all any more.
